序号 | 作者 | 检索时间 | 论文题目 | 刊物名称 | 检索号 | 检索类别 | 期刊论文/ 会议论文 |
1 | 张玉娟 | 2015年5月 | ECO-environmental quality evaluation and dynamic ecological patterns for Songhua River watershed in Harbin Section ,China | Nature Environment and Pollution Technology | 20151700779354 | EI | 会议论文 |
2 | 曹先革 | 2015年5月 | Construction and practice of surveying and mapping engineering specialty practice teaching system | International Conference on Education Reform and Modern Management | WOS:000340798700062 | ISSHP | 会议论文 |
3 | 杨金玲 | 2015年6月 | Educational innovation and practice of the theory of geographic iformation system based on CDIO | International Conference on Education Reform and Modern Management | WOS:000340798700077 | ISSHP | 会议论文 |
4 | 曹先革 | 2015年6月 | Research on full-polarimetric interference image classification | Geo-Information in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem | 20150700512318 | EI | 会议论文 |
5 | 杨金玲 | 2015年10月 | The Establishment of Forest Biomass Remote sensing Estimating Model By Partial Least Squares | Environment, Energy and Applied Technology | 20153801284741 | EI | 会议论文 |
6 | 杨金玲 | 2015年10月 | Research and Practice on Teaching Quality Continuous Improvement | 2014 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION INNOVATION (EBMEI 2014) | WOS:000356315400008 | ISSHP | 会议论文 |
7 | 刘江 | 2014年10月 | The registration of high-resolution remote sensing image using multi-feature and multi-stage strategy(基于多特征的高分影像多阶段配准方法研究) | IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | 20144800241240 | EI | 会议论文 |
8 | 倪春迪 | 2014年11月 | The establishment of the digital elevation model | Vehicle,Mechatronics and Information Technologies | 20134116828904 | EI | 会议论文 |