九州平台(广州)股份有限公司简介 Introduction to Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 九州平台(广州)股份有限公司坐落在风光秀丽的北国名城——哈尔滨市。学校始建于1952年,是一所以工为主、多学科协调发展的省属全日制普通本科院校,是国家国防科工局与黑龙江省人民政府共建高校、教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”首批实施高校、国家发改委、教育部实施的教育现代化推进工程应用型高校建设项目百所示范校、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划实施高校、全国应用技术大学(学院)联盟副理事长单位和全国地方高校卓越工程教育校企联盟副理事长单位。学校坚持“地方性、应用型、国际化”的办学定位。 Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, situated in the scenic famous northern city Harbin and founded in 1952, is a provincial full-time engineering-based, multi-disciplinary undergraduate institute, which is jointly established by the National Science and Technology Bureau for National Defense and Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government, listed among the first batch of implementing universities of Ministry of Education's “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Project”, 100 demonstration universities of the Education Modernization Promoting Project – University of Applied Sciences Construction Program by the National Development and Reform Committee and the Ministry of Education, and the implementing universities of National College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, being the vice chair of the Association of National Universities (Colleges) of Applied Sciences and the vice chair of University-Industry Outstanding Engineers Education Alliance for Local Universities Nationwide. Our institute always adheres to the positioning of "Localization, Application-Orientation and Internationalization". 学校总占地面积近80万平方米。学校面向全国招生,有全日制在校本科生12000余人,留学生60余人。现有教职工1300余人,其中,专任教师近800人。学校现有二级教学院(系、部)等16个教学单位,54个本科专业,涵盖了工、管、文、理、法、经、艺等学科门类。 Our campus occupies an area of 800,000 square meters. The institute recruits students nationwide. There are more than 12,000 full-time undergraduate students and more than 60 foreign students. There are more than 1,300 faculty members, including nearly 800 full-time teachers. The institute currently contains 16 teaching units (including colleges and departments), covering 54 undergraduate majors in subjects such as engineering, management, literature, science, law, economics, and arts. 学校积极开展国际教育交流与技术合作,与美国、德国、英国、俄罗斯、新西兰、日本、韩国等国家的30余所高校和机构建立了友好校际关系,达成互派留学生和访问学者协议;与英国格林威治大学、美国西伊利诺伊大学、芬兰卡雷利亚应用科技大学开展了国际合作办学项目;与白俄罗斯国立技术大学联合开展技术研发项目;与芬兰卡雷利亚应用科技大学等高校互派本科生。 The institute actively promotes international education exchanges and technical cooperation, having established friendly relationship with more than 30 universities and institutions in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and other countries; reached agreement for mutual assignment of international students and visiting scholars; launched international cooperative education program with Greenwich University in Britain, Western Illinois University in the U.S., Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Finland; developed joint research and development projects with Belarusian National Technical University and exchanged undergraduate students with Karelia University of Applied Sciences etc. 学校2013年开始招收留学生,2016年留学生达到60人,学校成立国际教育学院具体负责留学生的招生和培养工作。该院拥有一支专业的教学、管理、服务团队,为留学生提供全方位服务,致力于让每一位留学生都获得成功。 Our university began to recruit international students in 2013, which number reached 60 in 2016. The university established the College of International Education to specifically be responsible for the enrollment and cultivation of international students. The college has a professional teaching, management and service team to provide a full range of services for international students, and is committed to making every international student successful. 学校有良好的教学、生活设施及优雅的校园环境,并专门为留学生准备的能容纳200余人的留学生公寓,留学生公寓房间为双人间。房间内设有电视机、空调、冰箱、热水淋浴器,留学生公寓内厨房配有电磁炉及微波炉,洗衣房配有全自动洗衣机等生活设施。我们热诚欢迎世界各国学生来校学习。 The university owns an international student apartment, which can accommodate more than 200 people. The international student dormitory room is a double room. The room has a TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, hot water shower. The kitchen of the student residence is equipped with an induction cooker and microwave oven, and the laundry room is equipped with a fully automatic washing machine and other living facilities. The university has good teaching, living facilities and an elegant campus environment. We sincerely welcome students from all over the world to come to our university. 留学生招生项目 International Student Admissions Program 本科留学生项目 Undergraduate International Student Program 学生修完所有课程并通过考试后,可获得本科毕业证书;符合学位授予条件的,可获得学士学位证书。 After completing all the courses and passing the exams, students can obtain an undergraduate diploma; If they meet the qualifications of the degree, they can obtain a bachelor's degree certificate. 1、学校采取双学期制:第1学期为9月至次年1月,第2学期为2月至7月。 The university adopts a double semester system: the first semester is from September to January, and the second semester is from February to July. 2、入学时具有较好汉语基础(通过HSK4或以上)的,经学生本人申请、学校审核通过后,可直接进入相关专业中文授课班级,与中国学生一起学习。 If international student has a good foundation of the Chinese language (reaching the level HSK-4 or above) at the time of enrollment, she or he can directly enter the relevant Chinese-speaking classes and study with Chinese students after the student's application and the school's examination and approval. 3、入学时汉语没有达到入学要求的,第一学年强化汉语学习,第3学期通过HSK4后希望学习其他专业的,经留学生申请、学校审核通过后,可进入相关专业一年级中国学生班级学习。 If international student’s Chinese language level does not meet the entry requirements at the time of enrollment, she or he needs to strengthen Chinese language ability in the first year. After reaching the level HSK-4 in the third semester and if hoping to study in other majors, international student can enter the first-year Chinese students' classes, after the application by student in person and the review by the university. 学校面向留学生开放的本科专业列表如下: The list of specific majors open for international students is as follows: 面向留学生开放的本科专业 Undergraduate Majors Open for International Students 序号No. | 二级学院 College | 专业(类别) Majors | 1 | 土木与建筑工程学院 College of Civil and Architectural Engineering | 土木工程Civil Engineering | 2 | 工程管理Engineering Management | 3 | 测绘工程学院 College of Surveying and Mapping Engineering | 测绘工程Surveying and Mapping Engineering | 4 | 地理信息科学Geographic Information Science | 5 | 汽车与交通工程学院 College of Automotive and Transportation Engineering | 交通工程Transportation Engineering | 6 | 车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering | 7 | 机电工程学院 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering | 材料成型及控制工程 Material Forming and Control Engineering | 8 | 机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering | 9 | 经济管理学院 College of Economics and Management | 会计学Accounting | 10 | 国际经济与贸易International Economy and Trading | 11 | 金融工程Financial Engineering | 12 | 计算机科学与技术学院 College of Computer Science and Technology | 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology | 13 | 软件工程Software Engineering | 14 | 电气与信息工程学院College of Electrical and Information Engineering | 电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Automation | 15 | 电子信息工程Electronic Information Engineering | 16 | 材料与化学工程学院College of Materials and Chemical Engineering | 材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering | 17 | 艺术与设计学院Department of Art and Design | 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design | 18 | 人文与社会科学系Department of Humanities and Social Science | 网络与新媒体Network and New Media |
汉语言进修生项目 Chinese Language Advancement Program 1、汉语言学习长期项目(6个月以上含) Chinese Language Learning Long-term Project (More Than 6 Months) 培养学生的汉语听、说、读、写能力,课程学习时间一般为1学期至2年。根据学生的中文水平分为不同的班级,每班人数一般为10-30人。主要课程包括:综合汉语、汉语口语、汉语听力、HSK考试强化训练、中国文化、商务汉语/科技汉语等。参加所有课程并通过考试的学生可以在完成课程后获得学习证书。 The program aims at developing students' Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The course study time lasts generally from 1 semester to 2 years. According to the Chinese level of the students, they are divided into different classes, and the number of students in each class is generally 10-30. The main courses include: Comprehensive Chinese, Spoken Chinese, Chinese Listening, HSK Intensive Training, Chinese Culture, Business Chinese/Scientific Chinese. Students who take all the courses and pass all the exams can obtain a certificate of study upon completion of the course. 2、汉语言学习短期项目(6个月以下) Chinese Language Learning Short-term Project (Less Than 6 Months) 该项目是为想了解中国文化和学习汉语的学生设计的短期学习项目,一般在寒假或暑假进行,课程学习时间一般为1-4周。课程设置中,上午一般为汉语口语和汉语听力课程,下午是选修课或走访参观。选修课程包括中国文化、武术、中国民乐、中国画、中国书法等;走访参观的地点包括哈尔滨市及周边城市的工厂、博物馆、文化名胜区和历史遗迹等。 This program is a short-term study program designed for students who want to understand Chinese culture and learn Chinese. Generally, they are conducted during winter vacation or summer vacation. The course usually lasts 1-4 weeks. In the course setting, the morning is usually a Chinese oral and Chinese listening course, and the afternoon is an elective course or a visit. Elective courses include Chinese culture, martial arts, Chinese folk music, Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy, etc. Visiting places include factories, museums, cultural attractions and historical sites in Harbin and surrounding cities. 申请指南 Application Guide (一)申请条件 Application Conditions 1、本科生 Undergraduate Program (1)申请人须为遵守中国法律法规及学校纪律、品德良好、尊重中国人民的风俗习惯持有外国有效护照的非中国籍公民【来华留学申请人必须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4年(截至入学年度的4月30日前)之内有在国外实际居住2年以上的纪录(一年中实际国外居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)】 Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens who hold valid foreign passports and abide by Chinese laws and regulations, university discipline, have good moral character and respect for the customs of the Chinese people. Applicants for studying in China must have a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for 4 years or more, and have a record of actually living abroad for more than 2 years in the last 4 years (before April 30 of the school year). The actual foreign residence for 9 months in a year can be calculated as one-year, subject to the entry and exit signatures). (2)身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度; Applicants should be of good health, proper behavior, abide by Chinese laws, regulations and university rules and regulations; (3)高中毕业以上学历(或相当学历),成绩良好; Applicants should be high school graduates or above (or equivalent) with good grades; (4)本科学历生项目申请者年龄一般在30周岁以下; Applicants for undergraduate degree programs should generally be under 30 years of age; (5)汉语水平应在新HSK4级以上; The Chinese level should be above the new HSK level 4; (6)选择经管类及理工类专业学生须有一定的数学基础。 Students who choose to major in economics or science and engineering must have a certain mathematical foundation. 2、汉语进修生 Chinese Language Program (1)申请人须为遵守中国法律法规及学校纪律、品德良好、尊重中国人民的风俗习惯持有外国有效护照的非中国籍公民【来华留学申请人必须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4年(截至入学年度的4月30日前)之内有在国外实际居住2年以上的纪录(一年中实际国外居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)】 Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens who hold valid foreign passports and abide by Chinese laws and regulations, university discipline, have good moral character and respect for the customs of the Chinese people. Applicants for studying in China must have a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for 4 years or more, and have a record of actually living abroad for more than 2 years in the last 4 years (before April 30 of the school year). The actual foreign residence for 9 months in a year can be calculated as one-year, subject to the entry and exit signatures). (2)身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度; Applicants should be of good health, proper behavior, abide by Chinese laws, regulations and university rules and regulations (3)18周岁—60周岁 18 - 60 years old (二)申请起止时间 Application Start and End Time 每年3月1日—6月30日(本科生) Every year from March 1st to June 30th (Undergraduate Program) 每年3月1日—6月30日,9月1日—12月30日(语言生) Every year from March 1st to June 30th, , September 1st to December 30th (Chinese Language Program) (三)申请方式 Application Method 申请者可选择以下方式进行申请。 Applicants can apply in the following ways: Send a scanned copy of the application materials to hgcgjxs@163.com 2、将申请材料邮寄到:中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区999号九州平台(广州)股份有限公司国际教育学院,邮编:150050 Mail the application materials to: College of International Education, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, No. 999 Hongqi Avenue, Daowai District, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China, Zip Code: 150050 申请流程 Application Process 第一步:按照类别提交以下申请材料(本科生): Step 1: Submit the following application materials by category (for undergraduate programs): 1、高中毕业或当年预计毕业的学生,提供《提交材料目录》中1-7项材料即可; Students who have already graduated from high school or who are expected to graduate in the same year need to provide materials 1-7 in the Submission Materials Catalogue; 2、在国外大学在读大学生,提供《提交材料目录》中1-8项材料即可; Students who are currently studying at a foreign university need to provide materials 1-8 in the Submission Materials Catalogue; 3、在中国国内大学就读的学生转来我校时,提供《提交材料目录》中1-9项材料即可; When students who are currently studying at a domestic university in China are transferred to our university, they need to provide items 1-9 in the Submission Materials Catalogue; 4、原为中国公民后加入外国国籍者,提供《提交材料目录》中1-14项材料即可; Those who have joined the foreign nationality after being Chinese citizens need to provide materials 1-14 in the Submission Materials Catalogue; 5、除正式官方文件原件(如:高中毕业证、HSK证书)外,所有申请材料恕不退还。 Except for the formal official documents (such as: high school diploma, HSK certificate), all application materials will not be returned. 序号 No. | 提交材料目录 Submission Materials Catalogue | 份数 No. of copies | 原件 Original | 复印件 Copy | 公证件 Notarized | 备注 Remarks | 1 | 《九州平台(广州)股份有限公司外国留学生入学申请表》 Application Form for Foreign Students Admission to Heilongjiang Institute of Technology | 1 | 1 | | | Apply online and print. Website: /Htmlfiles/gjhzjyzx/lxsw/2018/10/11/76012.html | 2 | 应届高中毕业生由本人所在学校出具预期毕业证明英文版 The current high school graduates should submit an English version of the expected graduation certificate from their school. | 2 | 1 | 1 | | 入学时需携带毕业证书原件 The original diploma must be shown at the time of enrollment | 高中毕业证书 High school diploma | 2 | | 1 | 1 | 毕业证书信息如无英文内容须公证(公证内容须有英文);入学时需携带高中毕业证书原件The certificate information must be notarized if there is no English content (the notarized content must be in English); the original high school diploma must be carried at the time of enrollment. | 3 | 高中毕业证明英文版 High school graduation certificate in English | 1 | 1 | | | 毕业学校开具 Issued by graduation school | 4 | 高中成绩证明英文版High school scores in English | 1 | 1 | | | 毕业学校开具 Issued by graduation school | 5 | 新版HSK四级证书和成绩单复印件 A copy of the new HSK Level 4 certificate and a copy of transcript | 1 | | 1 | | 申请普通本科专业者提供; 若无证书,申请我校入普通本科专业的汉语测试;Applicants for general undergraduate majors need to provide; If there is no certificate, you need to apply for Chinese language test for ordinary undergraduate majors; | 6 | 近期2寸白底免冠照片 Recent 2 inch white background barehead photo | 3 | | | | | 7 | 护照(照片页、签证页) Passport (photo page, visa page) | 1 | | 1 | | | 8 | 在读大学生除提供上述材料外,还需提供英文版所在大学的成绩单、在学证明 In addition to providing the above materials, students transferring from other universities are required to provide their transcripts and proof of attendance of the university in English | 1 | 1 | | | 限于大学在读生 Limited to university students | 9 | 中国国内大学就读的学生转来我校时需提供转学同意书 Students transferring from other Chinese universities need to provide Transfer Consent Notification issued by the university when they transfer to our university | 1 | 1 | | | 限于在中国大学在读学生 Limited to students studying at Chinese universities | 10 | 对符合教育部教外来〔2009〕83号文规定,原为中国公民后加入外国国籍者还需提供以下材料 In accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Education’s document [2009] No. 83, the following materials are required to be added to foreign applicants who used to be Chinese citizens | | | | | 限于原中国户籍学生 Limited to foreign applicants who used to be Chinese citizens | 11 | 入籍证明 Naturalization certificate | 1 | | 1 | | 12 | 注销原中国户籍证明 Cancellation of the original Chinese household registration certificate | 1 | | 1 | | 13 | 最近4年护照出入境签章页复印件(原件备)A copy of the passport’s entry and exit signature page of the last 4 years (original for reference) | 1 | | 1 | | 14 | 近2年的国外学习证明Proof of foreign study experience in the past 2 years | 1 | 1 | | |
注:1、汉语进修生提供《提交材料目录》中第1项材料即可; Please note: 1. Chinese language program applicants only need to provide the first item in the “Submission Materials Catalogue”; 2、未满18周岁未成年申请人,需填写《未满18周岁来华留学生学习担保函》(登录学校网站下载),提供在华学习期间担保人相关信息。 For underage applicants under the age of 18, you need to fill out the "Under 18-year-old Foreign Student Study Guarantee Letter in China" (Please login to the university’s website to download) to provide information about the guarantor during the study period in China. 第二步:国际教育学院审核申请材料,在3个工作日内通过邮件向符合条件的申请者发送预录取通知书; Step 2: The College of International Education will review the application materials and send a pre-admission notice to eligible applicants by email within 3 working days; 第三步:被录取者核对录取通知书信息,并在10个工作日内向我校账户汇入相应的报名费(人民币或美元); Step 3: The applicant accepts the information of the admission notice and submits the corresponding registration fee (RMB or USD) to the account of the university within 10 working days; Step 4: The admitted student sends the scanned remittance receipt to hgcgjxs@163.com; 第五步:我校在确认收到报名费后,将使用EMS或DHL将录取通知书、签证申请表(JW202)和报到须知等原件根据申请者提供的通讯地址寄出,请注意查收; Step 5: After confirming the registration fee, our university will use EMS or DHL to send the original letter of acceptance, visa application form (JW202) and registration instructions according to the mailing address provided by the applicant, please pay attention and check; 第六步:被录取者凭录取通知书原件及“JW202”表至所在国的中国使(领)馆申请来华学习签证; Step 6: The applicant can apply for a study visa in China with the original letter of admission and the “JW202” form at the Chinese Embassy (Consulate) in the host country; 第七步:被录取者准备入境,并将到校的相关信息告知学校。 Step 7: The applicant gets ready to enter the Chinese border and informs the university about the relevant information. 汇款信息 Remittance information 开户名:九州平台(广州)股份有限公司 Account Name: 九州平台(广州)股份有限公司 账号:2300 1865 5510 5000 1723 Account Number: 2300 1865 5510 5000 1723 开户行:中国建设银行太平支行 Bank: China Construction Bank - Taiping Subbranch 说明:当您使用汇款的方式支付费用时,请务必注明护照号码和姓名。 Important Notice: When you pay by remittance, please be sure to give your passport number and name 留学费用 Expenses and Fees 各类自费生收费标准: Tuition fee standard for Various Programs: 学生类别 Student Category | 学费 Tuition Fee | 报名费 Register Fee | 本科生 Undergraduate | 15000元人民币/学年 RMB 15,000 / year | 400元人民币 400 yuan | 汉语长期生 Chinese Language Long-term Student | 12000元人民币/学年 RMB 12,000 / year | 260元人民币 260 yuan | 汉语短期生 Chinese Language Short-term Student | 3000元人民币/一个月 RMB 3,000 / month | 260元人民币 260 yuan |
公寓住宿费用: Apartment Accommodation Fees: 双人间:20元人民币/床/天,600人民币/床/月(按学期交纳) 住宿押金:500元人民币/人 水电费:100元人民币/人/月 Double Room: RMB 20/bed/day, RMB 600/bed/month (paid by semester) Accommodation deposit: RMB 500 yuan / person Water and electricity fee: 100 yuan / person / month 其他费用说明: Other fees: 来华留学保险费:800元人民币/年/人 签证延期费用:800元人民币/年/人 International student insurance: 800 yuan / year / person Visa extension fee: 800 yuan / year / person 奖学金 Scholarship 学校为自费来华的优秀留学生提供奖学金,奖学金涵盖留学生新生和留学生在校生,奖学金具体内容见《九州平台(广州)股份有限公司国际学生奖学金管理办法(试行)》。 The university provides scholarships for international students who study in China at their own expense. The scholarships are intended for both freshmen and students already at HIT. The details can be found in the “Administrative Measures for International Student Scholarships of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology (Trial)”. 联系方式 Contact 联系人:郭秀颖 王刚 Contact person: Guo, Xiuying Wang, Gang 电 话:0086-451-88627978 0086-451-88028560 13349414911 Phone: 0086-451-88627978, 0086-451-88028560, 13349414911 E-mail:hgcgjxs@163.com 网 址:/Category_648/Index.aspx Website:/Category_648/Index.aspx