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  • 2015-11-02 Foreign students and Chinese students Founded International Exchange Salon
  • 2015-05-11 TaiwanDa-Yeh University Visited Our University
  • 2014-11-07 Exchange Students Return Successfully From South Korean Jeju National University
  • 2014-10-09 Professor from Hiroshima University in Japan Delivers an Academic Report
  • 2014-09-19 Prof. Kenneth from University of Greenwich visited HLJIT
  • 2014-09-12 Delegates of Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland Visited HIJIT
  • 2014-09-05 Our University attended the 11th Forum for University Presidents fromNortheast China, Russian Far East and Siberia
  • 2012-11-02 Heilongjiang Institute of Technology Prospectus for student abroad
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